Favorite Games
Counter Strike 2
Dark Souls 3
Elden Ring
God of War
Hollow Knight
Jedi: Fallen Order
League Of Legends
Portal 1, 2
The Last of Us 1, 2
Uncharted Franchise
World of Warcraft
Background and goals
Hello! I’m currently a Level Designer at Arrowhead Game Studios working on the game Helldivers 2.
I joined Arrowhead two years ago following an internship at Future Games, where I completed a two-year Game Design program. Prior to that, I earned a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Game Development from Stockholm University.
Between completing my degree and attending Future Games, I collaborated with fellow university students to develop and release the game Sneaky Kitten in 2022. During my time at Stockholm University, I built a strong technical foundation, which I applied to various design roles while working on Sneaky Kitten. At Future Games, I further honed my skills in game design, specializing in level design.
At the core I love to create new worlds and design an experience for others.
My goal now is to become an expert in level design. While I have other areas I want to explore later down the line, I strongly believe that if you learn how to become an expert in one area, it is a lot easier to become an expert in another area.
I love teaching
I have always loved teaching. Before starting my game dev career I worked as a substitute teacher for three years, helping out students all the way from 6-year-old to 15-year-old.
In League of Legends I have pursued coaching as a hobby. I coached my own team over one season, learning a lot about how group dynamics work and how to deal with conflicts. I also enjoy doing solo coaching for people I know in my spare time.
I have not yet pushed for this in game development but that is something I'm going to explore in the future. I love to help out students that are asking for help.
16 personality test - INFP
I have taken the 16 Personalities test. While this does not tell the whole story, I must say that a lot of what is presented here feels spot on for me.
"Mediators are poetic, kind, and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause."
More info About the INFP personality:
In my spare time I almost always have a project that I'm working on. When it comes to game development I'm currently working on a new Counter Strike map with a friend. I'm also huge into esports, mostly League of Legends and Counter-Strike, and I'm actively working on improving my skills in League of Legends.
If I'm not fully focused on a project I hang out with friends, either in person or on Discord.
I have always been physically active. I prefer doing sports but my left knee is a little messed up from a football injury. Currently either going to the gym or out jogging. I started doing Jiu Jitsu last year but injured myself so that fell off, but that is something I want to pick up again.